Saturday, June 12

Claire: Day 34

Got to say that today has been another crap day. I woke up from a terrifying dream in which Jaws trying to eat me while I hung on for dear life from a bridge that had collapsed. (I'm so terrified of sharks, it was a horrible dream). This is never a good start for a day. I did get to go shopping for my work clothes, which is a very good thing!

Food: I don't know, subway, pbj? and a strawberry yogurt and some other stuff...
Calories: didn't count today. (Stress is a HUGE factor here)
Water: trying to get more in
Exercise: don't ask

Frankly, I am stressed about starting a new job. I'm supposed to be training with some guy but I don't know where I'm supposed to meet him or what's the hey-diddly is going on. I'm stressed about working at a job that's only part time and isn't getting me any closer to any of the things I would like to do for a career. I'm stressed because of all of this and more.

Positive things:
I have a job
I have food and a home and family and a few friends
I have good health and clothing, a bed and freedom
(There is a lot to be thankful Claire, COME ON)

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