Saturday, June 5

L: Days 25 and 26

Last night I didn't have internet access at the hotel I was at.
But for an overall view of Friday: epic fail. Stressful day of traveling, registering for classes, and dealing with work drama nearly 24 hours away from home all got to me. Plus eating on campus isn't the healthiest thing ever.

Today (saturday) I was traveling half the day and didn't count either. I do think, though, that I made smart food decisions at the airport: getting a smaller meal as opposed to a bigger one, that sort of thing. By water intake has been off these past three days. And so has the vitamin.

TOmorrow is my 3rd week doing this blog. I will do my best to get on track (after traveling and such). I'm very excited to go to the gym as well- I haven't worked out in about 4 days and am about to go insane!!

No more weightloss to report (go figure), but I did notice this week that my clothes are fitting better, and that my arms are definetly looking / getting stronger.
Yay for some progress.

Claire: It's Saturday?!

OK I've been acting and thinking like today has been Friday, and then it hits me today is Saturday. Where has the weekend gone???

Food: oatmeal w/pb, light peach yogurt, 2 cantaloupe slices, glass of soymilk, 1/3 of my grande skinny iced latte, a pbj sandwich, 3 eggs, baby carrots, and another serving of pb. (I eat a lot of pb don't I?)
Calories: 1417
Vitamin: yes- need to buy more
Water: Stopped counting this...
Exercise: play day also known as Fartleck- yes, it sounds funny. I went to the local HS did a lap around their field trail (1mi), did some sprints on the track while walking the whole track after each sprint (1.25 mi), and walked/ran home (3.8 mi+).

OK, I said I'd give a weight loss update today and here it is- the previous weeks my weight has been fluctuating which is fairly normal, albeit annoying. But as of this week, I've officially lost 10 lbs total now!!!! YAY!!!! I'm stronger, a little faster and feel better. I'm definitely a recreational runner but I want to become a Runner, an Athlete, a Marathoner, and one day a Triathlete.

This quote is pretty sweet:
"Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don't think about it, I just do it. The decision has already been made."
-Patti Sue Plumer, U.S. Olympian

Friday, June 4

Claire: Getting Stronger

It's pretty cool when you finally start noticing some more changes. Like my arms- there's more definition and less "wiggle,"and my legs- definition and more endurance. I'm finally able to inhale through my nose while running, (weird comment right?). I was trained as a swimmer and we inhale through our mouths, exhale through our noses- it just doesn't work the other way around ya know? This week I've been really trying to work on my breathing and I can do it now! Also my weight has been pretty steady- not much loss, but no gains either!!

Food: oatmeal w/pb, green beans, apple sauce, Subway Veggie Patty Sandwich w/pepper jack cheese, apple, light strawberry yogurt, pb, 2 eggs.
Calories: 1440
Protein: 65 g
Exercise: 4 sets of 15: elevated lunges, stationary lunges, jump squats, ball press, torso twists, and reverse crunches. 4 sets of 20: body squats, regular lunges and hip thrusts. I also did some planks, my first two I could hold for a whole minute, the following two around 50 seconds.

Thursday, June 3

Claire: Bring it On!!

Yesterday I set a goal to run 5 miles today. Why? Because I've been lacking on my running lately. And I blew that goal outta the water!! I ran 6 miles!!!! I did 2 laps of the Big Hill trail- or 4 lengths, plus ran the long way home again and holyshmoly I did it! Weird fact: for 2+ miles I had "It's a Hard Knock Life" stuck in my head. You know, the song from Little Orphan Annie the musical? Yeah, weird. I've noticed that I like running better without a music player too. Odd right?

Food:Oatmeal w/2tbsp pb, Veggie Patty Subway sandwich (9-grain whole wheat bread, lettuce, olives, jalapenos, pickles, spinach, banana peppers, mustard, and pepper), a light peach yogurt, baby carrots, a pbj sandwich.
Calories: 1399! (back on track baby!)
Water: stopped counting this lately..
Vitamin: Yeppums
Exercise: walked .6 miles, ran 6 miles, stretched afterwards too.

L: Day 24

Greetings from BEAUTIFUL (and might I say sunny) Colorado!! I'm here for an orientation for the school that I'll be going to in the fall. And I'll just say it's beautiful here! I'm just getting used to the fact that there can be "raincloud"-y lookin things MINUS the rain here. It's so great.
I don't really have access to calorie counting for the next 2.5 days, so I'm just trying to eat as healthy as I can.
Food: 1 bowl honey nut cherrios, 1 Italian combo sandwich (courtesy of the airport), 1 100-calorie chex mix, 340 calorie drink from Jamba Juice, dinner of chicken, potatoes and peppers (kind of teryaki style) and 2 breadsticks.
Water: about 10 glasses.....this elevation is killing me!
Vitamin: I forgot to pack them.....whoops.
Exercise: I did my best, went down to the hotel's "fitness room" and did about 15 min on the stationary bike.

Claire: Day 25

It blows my mind that it's almost been an entire month.

Food: oatmeal w/2tbsp pb, soymilk, carrots, apple sauce, 2 eggs, green beans, lasagna Florentine, soymilk, another serving of green beans, 2 slices of bread, 2 tbsp pb and a tbsp of strawberry jelly.
Calories: 1575- I'm going to stick with 1500-1600 calories and see how it goes for the next couple weeks.
Protein: 68 grams- met this goal!
Water: unknown.. need more
Vitamin: yes sir!!
Exercise: 4 set of 15 reps- front raise, lateral raise, bent over fly, Arnold/should press, full curls, hammer curls, kickbacks w/palms facing me and palms forward, and chair dips. Followed this all up with a .6 mile walk and a 3.4 miles run.

I started out feeling really lazy and thought about skipping my run today. Then the rain stopped earlier this evening after my strength training. I decided to go on the trail I normally avoid because there's this HUGE hill and for some reason it was the trail I chose to take. BTW I beat that hill! And took the long way home to make the run last longer. WOOT!

Tuesday, June 1

L: Day 23

Despite feeling very motivated today, I felt physically crappy. So I started out the day well (oatmeal, I usually can't stand oatmeal), with fruit. But I slowly started downhill. I ordered a drink of chocolate-y, coffee goodness today that blew my calorie counting for the day.

But overall I feel as though I made good choices throughout the day.
Calories: ? No idea
Water: 8 glasses...that 10 is hard to get to
Vitamin: yes
Exercise: 90 min (hard) swimming.

Claire: Day 24

Trying to incorporate more protein into the mix is difficult for me since I'm a vegetarian living with my family. Their main source of protein is from meat and so they don't really think about buying other types of high protein foods. Grrr. Going to trying searching for some high protein vegetarian foods.

Food: oatmeal w/2tbsp of pb, soymilk, apple, pbj sandwich, banana, Florentine lasagna, baby carrots, apple sauce, 1 tbsp of pb and 1 tbsp of almond butter.
Calories: 1582
Vitamin: yes!
Water:10 glasses and counting
Exercise: nope.. :(

Also I forgot to mention that for the month of May I lost a total of 6 pounds. YAY! To recap on previous posts, I've also lost a pants size and a bra size too as well as have run my first 5k race.

L: An Inspiration....

I was reading through a magazine today at the dentists office and was encouraged / inspired. It was an article on Kim Kardashian, and while normally I find these articles to be fake, I was still encouraged. In the article, she described how growing up as a curvy girl affected her in the long run. I, too, grew up without the stick-thin body. And although I now look at pictures from a while back and think "wow, I really wasn't too bad back then", I remember the feelings of hopelessness and insecurities I had about my body. I surrounded myself with people who had different body tyes than my own and compared myself to them. Which of course resulted in a lose-lose situation.

One quote mentioned in the article was "I may as well embrace my curves, because they're not going anywhere soon. So I can either appreciate my body for what it is or simply be miserable the rest of my life". So so true.

I am working on, loving my body. Because as hard as I try, I'm stuck with it. No longer am I going to live my life as "if I can only lose those last _ pounds". Because I've done that nearly my entire life (that I can remember atleast). I have hated my body since I was 8 years old. And that's stopping right now. It may not look as good as I wish to in a swimsuit or in that certain pair of jeans, but I refuse to go through life thinking "if only". I've done that for 12 years now. And that's way too long.

That's my thoughts for now.

Monday, May 31

Claire's Goals Updated

If you can't tell, I can write bunches.

Armed with new information and a new plan I thought I might share some new goals too.

Eat 60-100 grams of protein a day, making sure to have lean protein with every meal/snack
Calories: yep, I'll still be counting. It's gonna bump up to 1300-1400.
After 5pm make sure my carbs are from fruit and veggies
Strength Train Monday, Wednesday and Friday- followed by cardio for 45 mins to an hour and a half. (Unless I split it: ex- morning run, strength train evening)
Tuesday and Thursday will be my cardio days- goal is to run 5 miles each of these days.
Saturday- cardio day: focus on distance- pushing myself to do further.
Sunday- rest day! :)

My goal for this week is to run 5 miles on Saturday and stretch after all of my workouts.
My goal for June is to be able to run 8 miles, and stick to this updated plan.

Bigger goal- no more flabby arms, thighs or midsection! I want to develop my body into an athletic one. I want to use my potential and whip my body into shape. I especially want to significantly reduce my body fat!!!

Claire: Day 23- better plan!

My brother Brian is a personal trainer, I asked about why I was gaining weight after doing an intense workout and he helped me out. Oddly enough, he never answered my question, but oh well. Instead he took a gander at what I was eating and what I've been doing for exercise. Surprise, surprise, I haven't been getting enough protein in. He also helped me look more closely at the nutritional labels too. A few of the foods I eat regularly are high in carbs, which isn't necessarily a bad thing- I need carbs just like anyone else, the problem is that most of the carbs are coming from sugar. And on top of that, I wasn't getting protein in all of my meals which is part of my problem.

I'm glad he can help! Hopefully now with a better handle on my nutrition and armed with a new workout plan things will get going.

Food: cereal w/soymilk, ser. of wheat thins, pbj sandwich, light peach yogurt, apple and baby carrots, 2 eggs, and a ser. of vegetable lentil soup.
Calories: 1222
Water: maybe 8... I can FEEL that I need more.
Vitamin: no, again.
Exercise: 3 sets of 7 normal push-ups, 3 sets of 10 knee push-ups, 4 sets of 15 low row, high rows, rack pulls. Walked 1.2 miles, ran 2.2 miles.

L: Day 22

I realized since I've missed a couple days on here that I've lost count. Today is really my 22nd day. I got this.

I went over today....not sure how much exactly. Having a family get-together that only happens a couple times a year and we've been going out to eat lately.

Calories: 14oo + a rueben sandwich at Applebee's (that I didn't like all that much)
Food: 2 scrambled eggs w/ 2 pieces toast, 1 bag 100-calorie chex mix, 2 100-calorie ice cream bars, 1 granola bar, 1 apple, 1 s'more, 1 rueben sandwich.

Vitamin: No
Water: 7 glasses
Exercise: None. Still recovering from Saturday's hike.

Claire: Day 22

Today I really blew it... Was pretty sore and have been pushing my body pretty hard the last couple of days so I decided that today would be a rest day for me.

Food: cereal w/soymilk, cereal w/normal milk (not as good to me), light peach yogurt, 2 servings of wheat thins with 1 tbsp almond butter, chips and salsa, 2 tortillas, 2 scrambled eggs w/2 pieces of toast.
Calories: 1710- YIKES
Water: I don't know.
Vitamin: Not today :(
Exercise: not much of anything, still pretty sore from yesterday's hike.

today was not a grand day.

L: Day 19

Today I woke up and was the MOST sore I have ever been. Ever. I've hiked a lot, and wrecked havoc on my body, but nothing close to today. I guess it just goes to show what a good workout yesterday was.

Calories: 1540 (plus a piece of chocolate cake I made. But I threw it out after a couple bites. It wasn't good at all).
Food: 2 protein bars, 1 cup yogurt, 1 large orange, 3 pancakes (with fresh strawberries), 2 bags 100-calorie chex mix, 1 large banana, 1 100-calorie ice cream bar.
Vitamin: yes
Water: 8 glasses. Ugh.
Exercise: None today, tomorrow will bring some though I'm sure

Sunday, May 30

Claire: Week End of Three!

Today was perfect weather for hiking, and as Laila said, we did. A lot. Yeah, it was crazy, but so much fun too!

Food: Oatmeal, light peach yogurt, slice of cantaloupe, low fat string cheese, special k protein bar, streamed broccoli, green beans and zucchini, baby carrots, a serving of wheat thins, refried beans, 3 tortillas, cheddar cheese, green beans, serving of wheat thins.
Calories: 1280
Water: not enough
Exercise: hiked 7.5 miles in 4.5 hours, body's gonna be feeling it tomorrow!

Can anyone explain to me why my body is gaining weight instead of losing it???? Over the last two days I've gained 3 pounds now??? It can't be all muscle can it?? I'm rather frustrated about it!