Wednesday, July 14

Claire: HECK Yes!!!

Back in May when I first came back to WA, Anaya and I went to Victoria's Secret to get measured and all that jazz. Well today I went back to try on some lovely new bras. (TMI? Sorry!) I'm down another size! Went from a 40- to an 38- to a 36!!! WOOT!!! So when my next paycheck comes in I'm buying myself a new bra, which is like next week I think.

On a sad note, the Boyfriend is sick down in Cali and so he won't be coming back until Saturday morning.. poor guy.

Food-wise I haven't been keeping track lately. And I haven't been posting because our Internet has been really stupid lately. That's right, the Internet can be stupid. Also the next couple of days/evenings I'm going to be working lots (yes, I'm working from 10 to 10 on Saturday, how cruel, and yes, there are the lawful breaks included).

To be perfectly honest, today was alright. Hung out with Anaya and chilling. I want to go swimming so bad though. Like lap swimming, not playing around, but doing laps for a couple of hours.

Laila: I'm Baaaack

Just as a disclaimer, I have limited access to a compter, thus why my posts lately have been spiratic.

What a hectic week! Whew! I'm going going going. It's quite exhausted and I'm ready for the month of July to be OVER!!!

Anyways, guess what?? I went SWIMMING today!! Whoo! It's putting me back into that sane piece of mind that only swimming can do for me. Found out yesterday that I'll be racing the 5K (5000 meters...I'm guessing that'll be about 1.5 hours worth of swimming) the first week of August. Haven't gotten much pool time in lately with the schedule I've been holding, but I'm sure it'll all work out. After all, I am a distance swimmer. I will be training for the 10K later this fall. SOmething to look forward to.

Food: 1 protein bar, 1 pbj sandwich, 1 small bag doritos, 1 bowl mac & cheese.
Calories: 1450
Water: I'd say about 8 glasses
Exercise: Swimming for about 20 mins (FINALLY).

Tomorrow will be my last crazy day of the week. I'm hoping that this weekend will bring relaxation, swimming, tanning (?) and maybe a hike or two.


Monday, July 12

Claire: Recovering from the Wedding!

I'm so glad I had today off! The wedding had to be one of the best I've ever been to! Between the fabulous bride, my lovable oldest brother, the antics of the rest, and the dancing for hours, it won my heart. Truly a fantastic event. I'm very happy for the two of them and wish them all the best! I love them so much.

Not much happening today besides the normal day-to-day stuff.

Food: waffle w/pb and jam; a pb and honey sandwich; a tall iced skinny vanilla latte; 2 scrambled eggs w/shredded low-fat cheddar cheese burrito; and a low-fat cheddar cheese quesadilla.
Calories: 1509
Protein: 56 g
Water: been chugging it all day!
Exercise: legs were a little sore from the hours spent walking in my high heels all day yesterday as well as dancing around in them till late at night, so not much happening exercise-wise today.

Got a surprise call from the Boyfriend earlier this evening. Bad news is that their car has broken down and is being fixed, therefore he's not arriving back here until late Thursday. :( Otherwise it was really good to talk with him and hear about how things are going and all. Every time we talk though I find myself more and more often being surprised and in a good-way ya know?

Well goodnight ya'll! I'm still coming down from the stress of the wedding, and shoot, that bridesmaid dress caused trouble for all us of bridesmaids. And it wasn't the fault of the bride by any means btw!! The stupid alterations place was the origin of all the problems. They 1) didn't sew in a clasp, button or anything for the bride's halter top dress, so her mom had to sew the dress straps together; 2) the alterations place didn't sew in the hooks for the bridesmaids' dresses to close either; and 3) every one's straps were too loose and so we had to jimmy-rig our dresses tighter with safety pins and fashion tape. I would never recommend that alterations place to ANYONE.

Sunday, July 11

Laila: Prepping for another big week

Today was my resting day before this week ahead. It's been nice to just hang around and relax these past few days.

If anything, this housesitting adventure is teaching me that I don't have to eat as much as I'm accostumed to. There's not much around here to eat, so I'm rationing the food for the next week :)

Food: protein bar, pb&j sandwich, handful of dark chocolate Hershey's kisses, 1 bowl macaroni and cheese.
Water: about 10 glasses :) finally!
exercise: took the dog I'm staying with on a walk / run that lasted about 45 min or so (FINALLY got the exercise! Yes!)
Vitamin: no

Claire: Lovin' Today!

I've been having swimming withdrawals for a while now. Today Laila and I went to this sweet outdoor pool and had a blast! Must go there again soon! Now I've been to a tanning salon like one time before but since the wedding is tomorrow I thought I'd give it another shot. So we found this tanning place and once I got home my youngest brother said, "you look like you've been living in Hawaii!" Which means that it must have worked. :) But since I was hanging out with Laila and then came home to a big ol'bbq with friends and family I really didn't/couldn't keep track of my calories or foods today. But here's what I remember:

Food: pbj; 2 scrambled eggs with a 1/4 cup of low fat shredded cheddar cheese in a tortilla; a slice of cantaloupe; a chocolate special k protein bar, two chocolate chip Sunbelt granola bars, a light and fit peach yogurt, about a half dozen cherries; watermelon chunks and a slice of cantaloupe; more watermelon and some macaroni salad; a diet root beer and a half along with a good handful of chips with some salsa.

So I'm just gonna "guess" but I'm pretty sure I went WAY over today. :( No idea about my protein either.
Exercise: swimming around, laughing, some walking around, blah blah blah..

Tomorrow is the wedding! I still can't seem to wrap my head around the FACT that he's getting married! The first of us kids. I probably won't be posting anything tomorrow-just sayin', after all I'm leaving around noon, the wedding starts around 3pm and the reception is in the evening is bound to go late that night. Have a good day tomorrow- I know I will!

Oh yeah, almost forgot! I tried on one of Laila's new dresses and it's a size I thought would be too small, especially in the bust area and it's too big!!!! This means I've lost like two dress sizes now!!!! WOOOO-HOOO!!!!! (Yes, I'm that happy and excited about it! Who wouldn't be?)