Sunday, July 11

Claire: Lovin' Today!

I've been having swimming withdrawals for a while now. Today Laila and I went to this sweet outdoor pool and had a blast! Must go there again soon! Now I've been to a tanning salon like one time before but since the wedding is tomorrow I thought I'd give it another shot. So we found this tanning place and once I got home my youngest brother said, "you look like you've been living in Hawaii!" Which means that it must have worked. :) But since I was hanging out with Laila and then came home to a big ol'bbq with friends and family I really didn't/couldn't keep track of my calories or foods today. But here's what I remember:

Food: pbj; 2 scrambled eggs with a 1/4 cup of low fat shredded cheddar cheese in a tortilla; a slice of cantaloupe; a chocolate special k protein bar, two chocolate chip Sunbelt granola bars, a light and fit peach yogurt, about a half dozen cherries; watermelon chunks and a slice of cantaloupe; more watermelon and some macaroni salad; a diet root beer and a half along with a good handful of chips with some salsa.

So I'm just gonna "guess" but I'm pretty sure I went WAY over today. :( No idea about my protein either.
Exercise: swimming around, laughing, some walking around, blah blah blah..

Tomorrow is the wedding! I still can't seem to wrap my head around the FACT that he's getting married! The first of us kids. I probably won't be posting anything tomorrow-just sayin', after all I'm leaving around noon, the wedding starts around 3pm and the reception is in the evening is bound to go late that night. Have a good day tomorrow- I know I will!

Oh yeah, almost forgot! I tried on one of Laila's new dresses and it's a size I thought would be too small, especially in the bust area and it's too big!!!! This means I've lost like two dress sizes now!!!! WOOOO-HOOO!!!!! (Yes, I'm that happy and excited about it! Who wouldn't be?)

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