Saturday, May 15

L: Day 6

Nothing too exciting to report today. Just keeping at it!
Calories: 1590
Water: 8 glasses
Vitamin: YES.
Exercise: about a two mile walk or so (possibly more) with my puppy.

**My ultimate goal for myself (mainly for this summer) is to get back to the size I was last summer. I was by no means "stick thin" then, but I felt confident in my own body. For motivation (starting with the 90 day challenge..about 3 months prior to this challenge), I took pictures of myself in some clothes and swim suits that I fit into last summer. I looked back on those pictures when I was having a low motivation day, was craving too much food, or just needed a good reminder as to why I was doing this challenge. I'm toying around with the idea of posting those pictures, as well as the weeks progress, so it's not only motivation to myself, but to others of you who are possibly reading this. Trouble is, I don't know if I'm that brave yet. I don't know....we'll see.

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