Monday, June 28

Laila: Good / Crazy / Exhausting / Rewarding day.

Oh my goodness.

It was all I could do just to function at work today. Taught morning and afternoon lessons (teaching about 60 kids a day). I'll be doing this for the next two weeks. Whew.

The one plus to this work schedule is that I don't worry about overeating. In fact work now takes all the energy that I have, so when I come home, I'm wayyy too tired for food.

Plus the money is always a plus :)

I was in the chlorine for a good chunk of the day. And I must say that dry / chlorinated skin + sunburn= OUCH. I've practically been bathing in Aloe Vera lotion. But that's beside the point.

Vitamin: Yes

Water: I'd say about 8 glasses....need more. It'll be a miracle if my voice can last the entire week

Exercise: Didn't get to the gym, but I've had my workout for the day!

Calories: 1417 (guessing w/ the animal crackers). Wow. That's pretty low for me.

Food: 2 pieces toast w/ pb, 1 banana, salad w/ cheese, tomatoes, and dressing (we're running short of vegetables), 1 hamburger w/ bun, 1 apricot, 2 cups yogurt, a handful of animal crackers at work

ALSO. Got done housesitting for the past two weeks, stepped on the scale last night afraid of the results (housesitting and good eating habits never seem to work well together), and I didn't gain A SINGLE POUND!!! And I'd only gotten to the gym about twice that entire time. Very good news.

Plus I got a new swimsuit yesterday (forgot to add this last night), and if I may say so myself, I look pretty dang good :) I'm so proud of how far I've come. And to top it all off, a friend at work today said it looks like I'm slimming down (I hadn't seen her in a couple weeks). YAY for affirmation! Plust I'm walking around in these short-shorts (that I am sometimes uncomfortable in) like it's no problem. I love it!!

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