Wednesday, July 7

Laila: arghhhh!

So today is over.

It seems as the days go on, I keep asking myself the questions "REALLY??"
This schedule I'm on is officially kicking my butt. All I want is rest. But no.

I am in no way proud of my eating today.

I ended up being at work much longer than expected, with only an hour brake. So I headed to Wendy's (the closest food place around) and got a burger and fries. I had planned on working out later in the evening, but my friend invited me to her birthday dinner at the Olive Garden. How I miss the gym!!!! ( I realllllly do! Haven't been in WEEKS). So I went there and then on a couple arrends before cfomming home and finishing up some stuff for work tomorrow.

1 protein bar, 1 burger + small fry and diet soda from Wendys, 1 plate of 5-cheese ziti from the Olive Garden (plus 2 breadsticks).

Calories: off the charts I'm sure

Exercise: None. Again. I will go stir crazy if I can't get any soon....

Water: NOt nearly enough

Vitamin: yup

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