Tuesday, July 20

Claire: Yeah...

I've been lacking on keeping up with my posts. Sorry about that. It's been pretty crazy over here this past week. Between some very stressful events, working some ridiculous hours and the Boyfriend being back things have been all over the place.

I've lost another pound and a half since my last post too! Very cool, so now I'm at a new all time low.

Since I had the day off and so did the Boyfriend we got together and hung out at his parents' house, playing with his little boy and his siblings, and talking with his folks. He lives out in the country and we ended up hiking around the woods that are on the property. There's this huge tree that they call the "climbing tree" and the Boyfriend and I scaled up pretty high. The view from way up there was incredible, you could see for miles and miles. His mom made us dinner and we had a great time just being with his family.

Food: two bowls of Golden Grahams w/2% milk; 1/2 pb and honey sandwich and 1/2 an apple; some spaghetti; three graham crackers w/nutella; a small serving of brown rice and steamed veggies for dinner; and then I got home and had a couple of tortillas w/butter.
Calories, protein, water: unknowns.
Exercise: long steep high + running back; climbing a huge tree; running around the property; and playing around with the Boyfriend's siblings (all of them @ home are younger than him.

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